"Je suis comme un poisson dans l'eau"
Most embarrassing moments of any girls life.... "Its that time of the month again." Ya know, it is such a taboo thing to talk about.It is incredibly personal, and to some, an everyday type of thing to talk about.
For me, well.. I had an experience more recently that..to say in the most appropriate way would be.. a most humbling, womanly experience. It got me thinking about well.. TAMPONS. ha ha.. how did women do it back then? I also wanted to show some super sweet ads I found for tampons, tampax, kotex etc. I had no idea they had been around for so long, and to say in the nicest way...their ads back then were absolutely TERRIBLE. Ha....so I got a few from all types of areas, and I think you might enjoy this, I did.
I also want to add a few things. Notice how sexist they are at the beginning, and then notice how the ads change in direction over time. ha it's quite the change, but in a good way for sure. One other thing I'd like to add is the French add is saying " I'm like a fish in water." I haven't caught on to what that means exactly.;)
This one is from the late 60's. Out of
all of them, I think I like this one best.
I just love the late 60's and the girl on the jet ski
is pretty awesome too. Oh and the statement, "
You're Free" is also super awesome.
I don't have much to say about this, only that
it's so inappropriate in so many ways. This is a
French ad, and I'm not sure what area.
This one, most likely from
the 40's, is really interesting to me.
It says it's for "single" women. I'm not
sure what they are implying here? Is it that only women
who are married should have these?
This one, which is from 2010 I'm guessing, since this
brand just barely came out last year is super funny. I
like how in the ad she is
no longer afraid or embarrassed. In fact she
exposes it to her delight!
This one, is really hard to read. I had to magnify it.
This one, is also very interesting. They come
at you from a "scientific" perspective. Mainly, because
they hadn't been around very long, so they had to get
their facts straight. The wording, is weird in it. I would almost go
as far to say, elementary.