At the speed this world is going I wouldn't doubt that robots would be running the world. With that idea in mind, I feel that we are already robots. Walking around like were on auto-pilot. Have you ever felt like your just "going through the motions"? I'm in a relationship, and at times, it seems as if I'm just "going through the motions". I don't even know, at times, what I am doing. I just know that whatever I'm doing, I'm doing it. Does that make sense? To the left there is a picture I drew earlier in the day of Jan. 7th. It made me think what we would use these robots for. Robots are, well, slaves. Think about it, why else would we need them? The first thing that came to my mind as a realistic slave would be a prostitute. They are a slave to money, the "man", and their "boss". How miserable of a life would that be? If I were a slave, I would hope to be one of work stature. One that works hard and has a good master. YUK. Technically, and I don't mean to blow your mind or anything, but we are all in a prison right now. This life is like a prison. We are all slaves, to ourselves. We make our life what it is, no one else. If you, create a life of mediocrity I would think it is because you are afraid of hurt. So you would rather go nowhere. FEAR. fear. fear. fear. hmmmmm........ One thing I remember my dad telling me as a child was, " Satan wants you to stand still, he wants you to neither go up or down." I've thought of this my entire life. Satan, not so much, but the idea that fear can make us stay in one place. Neither experiencing love, hate, joy, excitement, marriage, children, friends. I have to admit I am full of fear. I am afraid of love and marriage. The idea of growing up and getting old and being " GREAT " is like... HOLY SHIT scary. Ha ha... but with that in mind...LEAPS of faith and taking risks are where life is so exciting. Where life is so great and so amazing. Making the wrong turn could get you killed, or it could take you to a place you never thought possible. At a place where I am neither human, nor robot is where i am at. I don't feel entirely human because I have walls, or blocks that make me feel as if I am a robot. Facing my fears and "feeling" things, is so "human" haha....But I am starting to realize that being a robot is no fun, and that being human is like taking the blind folds from off my eyes.
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